Painting together

Charlie discovering the boesner catalogue
Charlie discovering the boesner catalogue

As some of you might have heard already, my friend Charlie is coming here soon for a painting week. We’ve already painted last time she was here. Well, she painted after I had introduced her to work with metal colors, rust an patina.

Unfortunately I didn’t make photos while she was painting but only while she was discovering the boesner-catalogue. 😉

Her painting is now hanging in our living room:


When my friends Mer and Joolz were here a few months later, they also painted here:

joolz and emma painting
Joolz and Mer painting

The results have remained here with us too:


Mer's painting

Any visitor in our flat is welcome to paint here with me too!

Annette Schwindt

Von Annette Schwindt

Dies ist mein persönliches Blog, auf dem ich alle meine vorherigen Websites zusammengefasst habe. Daher die buntegemischten Themen: Ich führe Bloggespräche und blogge über Persönliches, Digitales und Kulturelles. Ich liebe es, Menschen zu fotografieren und mich mit Kunst zu beschäftigen. Manchmal schreibe ich auch noch was anderes als Blogbeiträge. Für andere bin ich als Wegbegleiterin in Sachen Kommunikation aktiv. Vor allem bin ich aber eins: Ein Mensch!

6 Antworten auf „Painting together“

[…] with one of my best friends. She isn’t much into computers or internet. When I told her that I’ll have a guest for painting soon and that we have planned to blog daily about our activities on my art blog, my friend said: Oh, […]

[…] 17, 2009 · No Comments When I woke up today my friend Charlie who is staying with us for a painting week was already wide awake and jumping into social media! She was about to set up her blog, had set up […]

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